1. Floyd Triangle is one of the easiest number pattern.
2. Floyd Triangle is a Right-angled Triangle of natural number.
3. Every row of triangle contains the element equal to the row number (For example - row 1 of triangle contain only 1 element , row 2 contain 2 element and so on...).
4. Floyd Triangle is defined by filling the rows of right-angled triangle align to left with the consecutive positive number starts with a 1 in the first row and the successive rows start towards the left with the next number.
Let’s go through the logic to create Floyd Triangle:
- Step - 1 Ask user for number of rows in triangle.
- Step - 2 Setting up a Variable equal to 1.
- Step - 3 Iterate from First row to last.
- Step - 4 Iterate for the column (number of column in a row must be equal to the row number.)
- Step - 5 Print the variable which is initialized to 1 in Step 2.
- Step - 6 Increment the value of variable by 1.
- Step - 7 Give a line break in order to go to next line for next row.
Code for Pascal Triangle in Java:
package com.missTechy;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FloydTriangle
public static void main(String[] args)
// Ask the user for triangle size.
System.out.println("Enter the number of rows for Floyd Triangle : ");
// Create an instance of Scanner class present in util package.
// Object of scanner class is used to take input from user.
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
// Normally when scanner class object is used then it get the value in String format.
// scanner object calls nextInt() method which is used to convert String into Int.
int rows = scanner.nextInt();
// This variable is used to Print the value of triangle starts from 1.
int value = 1;
// Iterate from first row to last.
for(int currentRow = 0 ; currentRow < rows ; currentRow++ )
// Iterate for column.
// Column <= currentRow i.e. a row must contain column equalTo or less than currentRow number.
for(int column = 0 ; column<=currentRow ; column++)
// Print the variable for triangle value.
System.out.print(value + " ");
// Floyd triangle contain the natural number.
// for the next value increment the variable by 1.
// This s.o.p takes to the next line.
Output of Pascal Pattern in Java: